Assessment FOR Learning:
Informal-formative-alternative assessments can best serve the purpose of assessment FOR learning as they continuously inform and guide instruction, and help students become better learners. Assessments are integrated with instruction and help teachers monitor students’ progress, identify their learning needs and adjust their instruction accordingly. They also give feedback to students and help them become self-directed, metacognitive and successful learners.
Assessment AS Learning:
Informal-formative-alternative assessments can also very well serve the purposes of assessment OF and AS learning. There are various informal-formative-alternative assessment strategies (e.g. journals, self and peer assessments) that can help students become self-reflective and be good managers of their own learning, making adjustments and developing more effective learning strategies, hence serving the purpose of assessment AS learning .
Assessment OF Learning:
At the same time, there are also various informal-formative-alternative assessments (recitals, visual and oral presentations, etc.) that can give a picture of what the students have actually learned after instruction, providing evidence of learning and certifying competency, hence serving the purpose of
assessment OF learning .