Assessment Myths
Find out the facts behind common assessment myths!
Myth 1
Assessment is just the latest fad in higher education
The Reality
Assessment has been
-Common practice in higher education for over thirty years
-The emphasis of accreditors for at least twenty-five years
-A formal expectation of all regional accreditors since 2004.
Myth 2
Assessment is just about collecting evidence in case the Higher Learning Commission wants to see it some time
The Reality
Collecting evidence isn’t enough
Assessment needs systems and strategies that produce actionable evidence
Assessment is Closer to standardized and coordinated individual practice and further from bureaucracy?
Myth 3
Assessment strategies need to be objective and uniform
The Reality
Most judgments about student performance are subjective
What makes strategies “valid” is the consistent application of criteria
Consistency builds over time, with practice
Myth 4
Grades ought to be a good enough indicator of student performance; additional assessment isn’t really necessary
The Reality
Desired outcomes (course, program, and institutional) may not be measured by the grading process
An assignment or course may support multiple learning outcomes
A course grade often measures much more than intended outcomes
A Digression on Outcomes
Outcomes are the intended or desired results of student work
Outcomes describe what a students can do with what he/she knows
Outcomes are performance-based
Outcomes define the essential abilities of a graduate or course completer – what a student carries with him/herself to the next level
Many variables affect grades participation, attendance, group work with student not in the program, and so on
Individual assignments have objectives that may only tangentially connect with outcomes while the rest of the course does not
Outcomes may be developed and measured only partially in some courses, one outcome often is measured through multiple courses
Myth 5
Assessment tools must be validated before they are used
The Reality
Externally validated tools ignore nuanced differences between and among disciplines
“Home-grown” tools can reflect institutional and departmental values and can be validated over time
Value in the process is validation if used continuously and revised over time
Myth 6
There is no valid way to assess abstract qualities like critical thinking
The Reality
Commercial instruments may be useful if they align with institutional outcomes or values
VALUE rubrics might be a starting point
Institutions can develop rubrics that cross disciplines but respect disciplinary differences as well by aiming at core elements, the “deep learning” that students carry with them
Graduate Candidacy and Defense exam rubrics work very well
Myth 7
Once you’ve defined outcomes and mapped them through the curriculum, you can be relatively sure that students will develop them
The Reality
Taking a course doesn’t guarantee learning
Students must demonstrate the achievement of the learning outcome
Assessing formative learning is as important as assessing summative learning
Myth 8
Programs only need to assess a final test or capstone course
The Reality
“High stakes” for both the student and the institution
Challenging to measure all outcomes at once
No opportunity for mid-course corrections
Myth 9
Assessment is just another sneaky way of evaluating faculty
The Reality
Assessment results should not be used to evaluate individual faculty
Participating in the assessment process can be a job expectation and therefore be evaluated, but the results of an assessment should not
Myth 10
Assessment is unnecessary busy work
The Reality
Assessment emphasizes improving student learning and not completing reports
Assessment should connect to existing program processes and structures
The best approach organic and local
Myth 11
Technology makes it all easier; all we need for good assessment is a good data management system
The Reality
Different disciplines / different strategies
Technology should not drive assessment and reporting methodologies
Technology cannot make judgments
Disciplinary learning experts still need to analyze the data and plan improvements
Data structures may limit intuitive judgments
Myth 12
Responsibility for assessing general education or institutional outcomes belongs to specific service departments, such as Institutional Assessment Office
The Reality
Institutional outcomes are an institutional responsibility and programmatic outcomes belong solely to the programs
Programs assess what graduates can do later in their careers in their respective fields
Myth 13
Assessment is easy and/or involves no extra work
The Reality
Assessment is an intuitive process for faculty
Assessment involves intentional curriculum planning
Assessment requires more coordination than most current curricula
Assessment involves public conversations about outcomes and criteria and public analysis of results
May involve both aggregated and individual analyses
Conversations can lead to clearer, less anecdotal, more concrete decision-making about curriculum, pedagogy, and resources
Results inform external stakeholders of institutional and programmatic progress
“Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development” – Marchese, in Palomba and Banta, Assessment Essentials, 1999
Source: Ohio State University